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Amino acid

    [ Amino acid ] A simple organic compound containing containing both an amine (-NH2) and a carboxyl (-COOH) functional group, along with a side-chain (R group), which is specific to each amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks of… Read More »Amino acid


      [ Amylase ] An enzyme which catalyses the hydrolysis of of starch and glycogen into glucose. It is principally found in saliva and pancreatic fluid.


        [ Amyloidosis ] A rare disease resulting from accumulation of inappropriately folded proteins.


          [ Amylopectin ] A polysaccharide comprising of highly-branched glucose chains, with a similar structure to glycogen but not as highly branched. Amylopectin serves as an energy store in green plants, along with amylose which together constitute starch.


            [ Amylose ] A polysaccharide comprising of long, unbranched glucose chains. Amylose serves as an energy store in green plants, along with amylopectin which together constitute starch.


              [ Anaerobic ] In the absence of oxygen, or otherwise the capability or requirement of the presence of oxygen. Opposite of Aerobic.


                [ Anthoxanthin ] Not to be confused with Astaxanthin. A kind of plant-based flavonoids (flavones, flavonols) found in plants that range from colourless to a creamy yellow pigment. Anthoxanthins have antioxidant properties considered important in nutrition.


                  [ Anti-nutrient, antinutrient ] An anti-nutrient is a substance that reduces the bioavailability of a nutrient by interfering with its absorption or uptake, or biochemical activity. Some anti-nutrients are enzyme inhibitors, typically protease, lipase and amylase inhibitors which interfere with… Read More »Anti-nutrient


                    [ antibody, immunoglobulin ] A protein produced mainly by plasma cells that is used by the immune system to neutralise pathogenic bacteria, viruses and other foreign substances in the blood. Antibodies, also called immunoglobulin, are secreted by B cells of… Read More »Antibody